Most Transformative School in the Philippines

The culture of doing more for others and the passion for excellence have always been impregnable anchors of the Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. (DYCI) as an institution – from the students, faculty, administration and the entire school as well. Aside from the achievements, awards and recognitions that the school, the administration, the faculty and the students have collectively reaped through the years, DYCI High School has also put a premium in doing social responsibility, involving every DYCIan to do good and help others.

The societal role of DYCIans is fully anchored on the need to inscribe the presence of God to the whole community and the values essential to nation-building, especially catering to the youth and the impoverished.

Participation of DYCIans in community-building go beyond the traditional outreach programs and even involve itself in the arts and culture. Since 2004, DYCIans are participating in the reenactment of Rizal execution every December 30. The DYCI Dancetroupe and choir members have alse been part of many civic activities that deepen the appreciation of arts, history and culture.

Indeed, in our own ways, far more than the basic function of an academe, I can proudly say that Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. provides good service to its multi-stakeholders.

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Grade School

Junior High

Senior High


Our Vision

Illumined by the spirit of being magis quam schola, familia—more than a school, a family—Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. envisions to be a God-centered and glocally excellent beacon of moral formation, holistic learning, transformative research and innovations, and sustainable societal communion for all humanity.

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