
DYCI Basic Education Mission Statement


To inspire and influence the heart of future heroic DYCIan leaders through activities that will:

Harness the leader in every child.

Engage every child toward community building.

Awaken every child to develop his social conscience.

Recognize and respect the diversity of every child.

Teach and train the child towards meaningful service.


To instruct and ignite the passion for lifelong learning towards global competitiveness, through activities that will:

Mold every child towards a magis-anchored culture.

Inculcate the global yardsticks of academic excellence.

Nurture a relevant, scholarly academic environment and standard leading towards lifelong learning.

Develop fundamental and pragmatic skills and abilities in response to the demands of global integration.


To instill and imbibe a God-centered way of life through activities that will:

Shape every child towards spiritual fullness and value-driven existence.

Open his total being to his god-ordained mission.

and uphold the presence of God in everyone, in everywhere.

Love every child as a member of a striving God-centered DYCIan family.


SOURCE: Quality Manual of DYCI-HSD, QM 3.1