
Institutional Core Values

God-Centeredness forms the philosophical bedrock of DYCI’s core values. God-Centeredness us an English term signifying a steadfast commitment to align one’s actions, words, and thoughts to glorify God, while respecting individuals across every faith. mission, and identity. It is the fundamental principle that DYCIans strive to live by through the realization of the following core values: Magis, Sapientia, and Paraya.

Magis. The Latin for “more”. This word embodies the spirit of aspiring for more, for the common good, and for the greater glory of God. DYCIans embrace this value when they creatively and innovatively pursue growth, constantly refining their skills, expanding their knowledge, and cultivating virtues to exceed their personal bests in order to honor God through their service to humanity.

Sapientia. The Latin for “wisdom”. It symbolizes the gentle wisdom conveyed from a lifelong pursuit of both local and global knowledge and truth. DYCIans embody this value when they strengthen their relationships with others through their knowledge as an act of caring for the whole person.

Paraya. A Filipino term that signifies the sincere gift of the self. DYCIans embody this value when they participate in sustainable actions tha uplift their neighbors’ lives by demonstrating steawrdship, empathy, and social responsibility. This is also a coined term of DYCI’s heart for the community (PA-mayanan), the school (paa-RA-lan), and the parish (parok-YA).

Institutional Quality Policy

DYCI has unwavering commitment to deliver meaningful basic and higher education, emphasizing local excellence, holistic character development, and spiritual growth among DYCIans.

Our mission is to cultivate globally competitive locally relevant Filipino leaders and professionals who embody the core values Magis, Sapientia, and PARAYA inspired by God-centered approach and driven by a passion for transformative innovative and genuine social responsibility.

We continuously improve our practices to ensure compliance regulations, meet the needs and interests of our stakeholders, contribute effectively to societal advancement.